SMDA/SEC Joint Consultation – DP111 ‘SMDA Budget Amendments’
In response to the recommendation made in BEIS’ independent review of device interoperability on change, namely that “Energy Suppliers and the SMDA Board review the SMDA funding model to ensure SMDA can provide long-term test assurance”, the SMDA Board has been working with the Smart Energy Code (SEC) to develop a joint consultation relating to the issues raised under SEC Draft Proposal DP111 ‘SMDA Budget Amendments’, which can be found here.
The consultation questions consist of two parts, the first being to understand the Scheme’s value within the industry and which funding model the industry prefers. The second part then focuses on the current preferred approach, that of the fixed costs of the SMDA Scheme being funded through the SEC. It is important to note that should responses to the first part of the consultation indicate that a different funding model is preferred by the industry, this will be given full consideration by the SMDA Board and the direction of travel may change, however based on an evaluation of the proposed options undertaken to date, the SEC model is currently the preferred method.
Under the proposal, the variable costs of the scheme would continue to be funded by manufacturers submitting devices into the SMDA Scheme for testing. As not all the Device Manufacturers are SEC Parties, this would ensure the cost of the Scheme continues to be split across all SMDA member groups, as it has been to date.
Members are requested to respond to the consultation by submitting their responses by email to by 5pm Friday 22nd May 2020 with the subject line ‘DP111 SEC/SMDA Consultation response’. It’s vital that we receive your response so that the views of SMDA members can be fully considered when determining the next steps for the Scheme’s funding model.
If you have any questions please contact us at
Kind regards,
Louise Singleton | Head of SMDA Scheme