Manufacturer Access to SMDA Test Scripts

Dear All,

Manufacturers can now request access to SMDA Test Scripts. This will assist Manufacturers during the testing process by improving the visibility of the testing requirements prior to submitting a device.

To request access, Manufacturers will need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) which is available from the SMDA Scheme Operator. Once the NDA has been signed and countersigned by the SECCo, Manufacturers will receive the test scripts via a secure SharePoint site from the SMDA Test House.

For any queries please contact

Kind regards,

SMDA Scheme Operator

SMDA Newsletter – Quarterly Update

SMDA Newsletter – Quarterly Update

Dear All,

This is the second quarterly newsletter providing Parties with the latest developments from the SMDA Scheme. To improve communication, the Scheme Operator has made changes to the newsletter. If you have any feedback, please contact


SMDA Review

The Scheme Operator would like to thank everyone who participated in the SMDA review. Stakeholders were interviewed to identify and quantify the costs and benefits of the SMDA Scheme and to highlight improvements.

The results of the review were presented to the SEC Panel meeting on 12 August 2022, where it was agreed to issue a consultation to SEC Parties, requesting further input on the next steps and suggested interventions for the Scheme. The consultation was published on the SEC website here on 13 September 2022.

SEC Parties are invited to submit the response form to with the subject line ‘OC001 – SMDA Review’ by 5pm Monday 3 October 2022.


The SEC Panel agreed on 12 August 2022 to restructure the SMDA governance to have one Sub-Committee. The SMDA Technical Sub-Group and the SMDA Sub-Committee will be merged into one SMDA committee to discuss all aspects of the Scheme and make recommendations to the SEC Panel.

Manufacturer NDA

The Scheme Operator with assistance from the SEC legal team have developed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to allow manufacturers to request the SMDA test scripts and assist with submitting devices to the Scheme.

The NDA was approved by the SEC Panel and manufacturers can request access to the test scripts by contacting

Change Procedure

The updated Change Procedure was published on 25 August 2022 and is available here. The purpose of the changes were to clarify the process for changes to the SMDA test scripts and baselines.

Current Update

Device Assurance Register

There are currently 38 devices on the Device Assurance Register (DAR). Since the last newsletter in June, nine devices have been awarded Assurance. Eight devices were awarded Full Assurance and one gained Partial Assurance on the November 2019 SEC Release baseline. This is one of the most successful periods of assurance for the Scheme.

SMDA Meetings and Stakeholder Presentation

Alongside the SMDA Sub-Committee and Sub-Group meetings, the Scheme Operator has presented at multiple industry events highlighted below.

Meeting Presentation
SMDA Management Panel Sub-Group Teleconference – 20 July 2022 Other SEC Party – 10 August 2022 and 14 September 2022
SMDA Sub-Committee – 26 July 2022 Small Supplier SEC Meeting – 20 July 2022 and 17 August 2022
SMDA Technical Sub-Group – 6 September 2022 SMSG – 2 August 2022
CMAP – 14 July 2022
Moving Forward

Over the next quarter, SMDA will be focusing on:

·       Developing an impact assessment for the November 2022 SEC Release Baseline

·       Developing an impact assessment for DNO test scenarios

·       Developing an impact assessment for Double Band device testing

If you wish to submit any feedback or questions, please contact the This can include testing issues that manufacturers would like to raise for discussion.

This newsletter will also be published on the SMDA website here.

Best Wishes

Kunal Sharma, Head of SMDA Scheme