SMDA Newsletter – Quarterly Update

Dear All,

We hope everyone is well.

Over the last three months, the Scheme has been moving forward with device assurance and aligning with industry changes. All three device types (ESMEs, GSMEs and PPMIDs) have been awarded Full Assurance with two GSME devices and one ESME device being awarded Full Assurance with no tolerable issues. This is a milestone for the Scheme as it shows that all the obstacles to Full Assurance have been removed and the Scheme would therefore encourage manufacturers to contact for more information on submitting devices for testing.

The Scheme has also published three baselines which can now be tested against:

  • the November 2019 SEC Release Baseline;
  • the November 2020 SEC Release Baseline; and,
  • the November 2021 SEC Release Baseline.

As no changes were required to align with the June 2022 SEC Release, the Scheme aligns with the most recent industry requirements, and will continue to review changes for the November 2022 SEC Release.

In addition, the Scheme has successfully tested six Communication (Comms) Hub variants for independent testing. SMDA testing provides further assurances to industry that DCC Comms Hubs are performing correctly, and issues can be identified in parallel to User Integrated Testing (UIT).

Furthermore, an independent review has been commissioned by the SEC Panel, to assess the scope of the Scheme and its value to the wider industry. The project brief was reviewed by the SEC Panel on 17th June 2022 and the project is expected to be completed in September 2022. The outcomes of this review will determine the long-term objectives of the Scheme.

The Scheme would also like to formally notify Parties that the SMDA Company was dissolved on 7th June 2022. This completes the transition of SMDA into the SEC.

The Scheme has also been increasing communication and visibility to industry by presenting updates on progress at the following meetings:

  • Other SEC Party meetings
  • Small Supplier SEC meetings
  • Energy and Utilities Alliance Joint Manufacturer Meetings
  • BEIS Independent Supplier Forum
  • Community of Meter Asset Providers
  • Introduction to the SEC webinar
  • UK Metering Forum

Finally, the Scheme continues to implement improvements based on the feedback received from interested parties. The next focus is to update the process for changing the SMDA test scripts, by including an industry consultation, as well as updating the SMDA Exemption Guidance.

If you have any comments or questions please contact

This newsletter will also be published on the SMDA website here.

Best Wishes

Kunal Sharma, Head of SMDA Scheme

SMDA Newsletter – Update to the SMDA Tolerated Issues for Partial and Full Assurance

Dear All,

Following the SMDA Management Panel Sub-Group (MPSG) meeting in May and March 2022, the following documents have been updated:

  • SMDA-246 – Tolerated Issues for Partial Assurance
  • SMDA-252 – Tolerated Issues for Full Assurance

The MPSG agreed that three issues shall be tolerated:


  • An issue was found whereby the lower limit value for the AverageRMSVoltageMeasurementPeriod set by a manufacturer (1800 seconds) is longer than the value, for the same parameter, used in SMDA testing (60 seconds).
  • A failure is caused in testing as the device requires a longer voltage event before a threshold breach is recorded.
  • The value for this parameter is currently not an explicit requirement codified in either Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications (SMETS) and Great Britain Companion Specification (GBCS).
  • Tolerated as common issue as it is due to be clarified with the implementation of SEC Modification MP085A as part of the November 2022 SEC Release.
  • Applicable for both Full and Partial Assurance testing.

Zero Value Top Up

  • Issue found whereby a device fails to process a top-up command when it is credited with a top-up value of £0.00, and instead rejects the command
  • As there is no material impact expected, this issue was tolerated as a device specific issue
  • Only be tolerated during Partial Assurance testing.

Change of Network Operators – Execution Counters

  • Failure due to the originator counters in the command itself failing validation; the counter was smaller than the Remote Party Sequence Number.
  • Tolerated as common issue based on GBCS requirements and BEIS’ response on the BEIS issue log.
  • Applicable for both Full and Partial Assurance testing.

The latest versions of these documents are now available on the SMDA Website here and are referenced in the SMDA Baselines available on the website.

If you have any comments or questions please contact

Best Wishes

Kunal Sharma, Head of SMDA Scheme

SMDA Newsletter – Publication of SMDA November 2021 SEC Release Baselines

Dear All,

The Scheme is pleased to announce that the baseline for Full Assurance testing against the November 2021 SEC Release has now been published and is available on the SMDA website here.

If you have any comments or questions please contact

Best Wishes

Kunal Sharma, Head of SMDA Scheme