SMDA Newsletter – March 2023 Quarterly Update

Dear All,

This is the quarterly newsletter providing Parties with the latest developments from the SMDA Scheme.


SMDA Test Exemption Procedure
The SMDA Text Exemption Procedure has been updated and merged with the SMDA SO Exemptions Guidance. This follows a request from Parties to provide additional clarification on the SMDA exemption testing process.

November 2022 SEC Release and Network Party Test scenario changes
The changes to align SMDA testing with the November 2022 SEC Release and the inclusion of additional test scenarios proposed by Network Parties to provide greater testing confidence in the industry, were approved by the SEC Panel on 28 February 2023. The Scheme Operator and Test House are working on implementing these changes and a new baseline will be published.

WNC Communication Hubs
The SMDA Baselines have been updated to reflect the introduction of WNC Communication (Comms) Hubs into SMDA testing. Manufacturers can submit new devices for testing or uplift their current devices to these baselines to be tested against all three Comms Hubs (WNC, Toshiba and EDMI).

Following a pilot programme that determined that there were no variations between WNC and Toshiba Comms Hubs when running the SMDA test scripts, testing will be equally split between both comms hubs. This will be carried out by randomly selecting three testing categories to test on one comms hub and testing the remaining three on the other comms hub.

The purpose of splitting testing is to ensure that there are no additional costs or testing timescale delays for manufacturers.

Devices with existing assurance will not be impacted by this change.

Baselines Overview

The SMDA Baselines Overview has been published on the SMDA website, here.

This document aims to assist manufacturers with identifying a suitable SMDA baseline to test devices against and outlines the SMDA baseline support end dates.

Current activities

SMDA Sub-Committee Meeting
The SMDA Sub-Committee (SMDASC) met on 7 February 2023. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 4th April 2023.

There are currently four roles available on the SMDASC – one Large Supplier, two small Supplier and one Other SEC Party Display Manufacturer.

If you are interested in volunteering as a representative, please contact for further information.

Manufacturer NDA

Other SEC Party Manufacturers can request access to the SMDA test scripts to assist with understanding the detailed SMDA test requirements. Manufacturers are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) which is available from the Scheme Operator (

Future Focus

SMDA Review

Former SMDA Sub-Committee Chair and now SECAS SME, Martin Hanley, has developed a project brief for the next phase of the SMDA review which will focus on options for what the scheme is expected to look like in twelve to eighteen months and how it should be funded.

The project brief was approved by the SEC Panel on 28 March 2023. The next phase of the SMDA review will focus on collecting feedback on the service and the value that SMDA testing provides to Parties paying for the service, to determine if changes to the Scheme are required.


Over the last year, three issues found during testing were tolerated based on their risk level and to allow devices to continue testing, and one tolerated common issue was also closed by the Management/ Technical Sub-Group, now merged with the SMDA Sub-Committee (SMDASC). The November 2019, November 2020 and November 2021 SEC Release Baselines were also published.

If you wish to submit any feedback or questions, please contact the This can include testing issues that manufacturers would like to raise for discussion.

Best Wishes

Kunal Sharma, Head of SMDA Scheme