SMDA Mid-Month Update – 12th March 2019
Dear SMDA Scheme Members
We are writing with a mid-month update due to some good news regarding the SMDA scheme.
Test House News
Following our update at the end February that we had reached final agreement with the SMDA Test House we can now confirm that the Test House, NMi, has officially rescinded its termination notice.
This is good news for the SMDA scheme as we now have a stable pathway for testing. With the potential uncertainty removed, we now want to encourage the submission of devices for testing.
As Members will be aware, device submissions are essential for the viability of the SMDA scheme and we hope that this news will provide confidence to those that have previously been uncertain about submitting their devices for testing.
To request a quote for device testing please contact
Please contact if you have any questions on the information in this update, otherwise we will issue the next full update at end March.
Best Wishes
Catherine Cousins, Interim Head of SMDA Scheme