The long-term value in getting SMDA assurance
A significant amount of effort has been invested in the SMDA scheme over the past three years to ensure suppliers, meter manufacturers and funders benefit from the investment cost and confidence a central assurance regime provides.
It is acknowledged that delays in the smart metering market are causing the Test House financial issues that need to be addressed – this is assuming the highest priority. The Scheme Operator and Test House are committed to finding a solution to enable continued operation of the current testing arrangements. The SMDA’s industry backers – the EUA, Energy UK, BEAMA and CMAP – are also fully committed to its long-term operation.
This means manufacturers can be confident that any devices they submit will be assurance tested and any fees paid ahead of testing will be held securely. However, if for any reason a solution cannot be found to address the Test House’s financial challenges and the contract with the current Test House ends, then measures will be put in place for seamless testing service handover to an alternative provider.