SMDA Test House Update and Action Requested from Device Manufacturers with Devices Currently Going Through Testing
Dear SMDA Members,
Following on from recent announcements, the SMDA Sub Committee and Scheme Operator are pleased to announce that Critical Software has been appointed as the new SMDA Test House, and will be providing SMDA testing services from 1st April 2021. This means that there will be no disruption in services following NMi’s exit on 31st March 2021.
We would like to thank NMi for all its hard work over the last five years helping to push the Scheme forward, and for facilitating an efficient handover with minimal disruption. During its tenure as the SMDA Test House, NMi has overseen the testing and assurance of 18 devices onto the Device Assurance Register (DAR), working closely with the Scheme Operator, device manufacturers and the smart metering industry to tackle complex challenges. A further 11 devices are in-flight, demonstrating the strength of the Scheme, with more devices expected to come forward in the coming months.
In order to facilitate Critical Software being able to continue testing of devices currently going through SMDA testing, device manufacturers with devices currently under test are requested to confirm they are happy to novate their existing testing agreements with NMi, covered in the quotations issued when testing requests were made, over to Critical Software on the same terms. This will also enable agreed fees to remain intact, and all technical data to be provided to Critical Software of tests that have been completed so as to allow for a seamless transition. In order to confirm you are happy for your existing agreement to novate over to Critical Software, please respond with your confirmation via email to the SMDA Scheme Operator ( so this can be progressed accordingly.
In addition to the above, we are also pleased to announce that throughout the last month, business has continued as normal, with a further device extending its assurance on the DAR.
With SEC Modification SECMP 111 also being implemented, the Scheme is now on a firm footing to continue to provide vital services in support of the Smart Meter roll out in GB.
Should members have any questions with regards to the above, please do get in touch with the Scheme Operator accordingly.
Issued on behalf of
Martin Hanley, Chair of the SMDA Sub Committee
Kunal Sharma, SMDA Scheme Operator
Adrian Rudd, NMi
Matt Brake, Critical Software