SMDA Monthly Update – July 2019

Partial Assurance Achieved!

 As you may have seen from our communication on 19th July, we are pleased to announce that devices are now being awarded SMDA assurance! This key milestone was also shared on social media and in the trade press, including making the front page of the Utility Week news website.

Assured devices are listed on the Device Assurance Register (DAR), which can be accessed from the members’ area of the SMDA website ( Assurance currently covers Credit in the Central and South regions, however we continue to work closely with the Management Panel to understand when additional functionalities become stable and available to test under SMDA, as we keep on moving towards Full Assurance.

Submitting your Device for Testing

 To submit your device for testing, follow these steps:

  1. Email the Test House ( to request a quote for testing your device
  2. Review and agree the quote and sign a contract with the Test House
  3. Send your device to the Test House
  4. The Test House will keep you updated on your device’s progress on a weekly basis
  5. If required, address any issues which may be causing your device to fail a test
  6. Ensure you meet the SMDA scheme’s exit criteria, which can be found in the Entry and Exit Criteria document on the SMDA website. This includes having your CPA, ZigBee and DLMS certificates in place, where applicable
  7. Once the exit criteria is met, the SO will issue you with your certificate for the specific device being tested and will list the device on the DAR for all SMDA members to see

Testing Payment Structure

 In recognition of the Partial Assurance process, the testing payment mechanism has been modified. Instead of paying 50% of the test fee upfront and 50% once your SMDA certificate has been issued, manufacturers will now pay 50% upfront and 25% upon issuance of your Partial Assurance certificate, with the final 25% due upon completion of Full Assurance.

Test Exemption

Full or Partial Exemption from SMDA testing may be granted if a Manufacturer makes a variation, either firmware or hardware, to a device that has already been successfully tested or is undergoing testing. It can also apply when a Manufacturer submits a new product which comprises largely of parts from other successfully tested devices.

The Exemption Process enables targeted testing to be undertaken where a change has been made, rather than repeating the full suite of tests. The Test House will assess which tests are directly affected by the change and identify a suite of regression tests that will show whether the changes have had any unintended consequences on other areas.

Manufacturers looking to submit upgraded devices are advised to review the Test Exemption Guidance and submit the SMDA Testing Exemption Application Form to to receive a quote from the Test House.

Device Forecast

 Manufacturers are requested to submit their device submission forecast to the SO by Friday 9th August, outlining how many new and variant devices will be submitted each month.

Forthcoming Meetings

  • The SMDA Management Panel will next meet on 20th August
  • The SMDA Board will next meet on 2nd September
  • The Test House continues to meet with manufacturers who have submitted devices and welcomes ongoing engagement

Please contact if you have any questions on the information in this update, otherwise we will issue the next update at the end of July.

Best Wishes

Louise Singleton, Head of SMDA Scheme