SMDA Monthly Update – January 2019
Dear SMDA Scheme Members
As part of our commitment to communication, we will now be providing monthly email updates to all SMDA Scheme Members rather than the previous quarterly newsletter. This is our first monthly update, so if there is anything additional you would like to see in future updates then please do let us know.
Path to Partial Assurance – Progress Update
We had hoped by this point that following the recent round of firmware upgrades we would have made significant progress with interchangeability tests to allow a baseline for partial assurance to be developed or, failing that, remaining issues could be put to an interchangeability session to be worked through with manufacturers (and subsequently a baseline for partial assurance set). However, certain dependencies essential for this time plan to be achieved have not been met. Unfortunately there are still issues with devices which have prevented interchangeability testing for a significant proportion of device combinations, and the process for pinpointing issues and resolution has delayed the testing process and impacted delivery plans despite best endeavors.
We have developed a new plan with the SMDA Test House to address the issues being encountered, and subject to device and interchangeability issues being resolved, our current plan is to be able to present a baseline for partial assurance for wider review in early March.
Other Activity
- Consultations – SMDA responded to the DCC’s Communications Hub Firmware Management Consultation at the end of 2018 – our response can be found on our website here. Our response proposed that the DCC makes use of the SMDA Scheme to independently verify Communications Hubs operations to ensure they do not introduce interoperability or interchangeability issues. This potentially could reduce the overall cost to industry of testing.
- Website – We are in the process of reviewing the SMDA Website to make access to information easier and the information available more useful. If you have any feedback regarding the website please contact
Test House News
We have been working with the SMDA Test House to finalise the agreement to ensure they can remain in the scheme, despite commercial pressures due to lower device numbers than expected being submitted for testing. We hope to be able to provide a further update on this shortly.
Recent and Forthcoming Meetings
- The SMDA SO presented at the CMAP meeting on 22nd January, providing an overview of the scheme’s current status and future
- The SMDA Management Panel will be meeting on 11th February
- The SMDA SO will be presenting at the EUA Members meeting on 19th February to provide a scheme update
Please contact if you have any questions on the information in this update, otherwise we will issue the next update at end February.
Best Wishes
Catherine Cousins, Interim Head of SMDA Scheme