SMDA Monthly Update – August 2019

Partial Assurance Update

Since Partial Assurance was awarded on 19th July, we have had an increase in engagement with manufacturers in regards to submitting devices for testing. Additionally, we continue to work with manufacturers to help resolve any outstanding issues before Partial Assurance can be awarded. We hope to be able to share more positive news of some more assured devices very soon!

Assured devices are listed on the Device Assurance Register (DAR), which can be accessed from the members’ area of the SMDA website ( Assurance currently covers Credit in the Central and South regions.

Tolerated Issues

Scheme Document SMDA-246 lists the issues that have been tolerated by the Management Panel. This list is not exhaustive and the Scheme continues to work with the Management Panel to determine whether any new issues found can be tolerated.

Rectification Plans

If a device is awarded Partial Assurance with tolerable issues, the manufacturer will be required to complete a Rectification Plan to show how they will actively try and resolve these issues within a certain timeframe.

Following assurance, Manufacturers will have a month to complete the plan, which will then be reviewed by the Scheme Operator (SO) for sign off. Following agreement, the plan will be reviewed every six months to ensure that sufficient progress has been made to resolve the device specific issues. Assurance can then either be extended for a further six months or withdrawn.

Submitting your Device for Testing

 To submit your device for testing, follow these steps:

  1. Email the Test House ( to request a quote for testing your device
  2. Review and agree the quote and sign a contract with the Test House
  3. Send your device to the Test House
  4. The Test House will keep you updated on your device’s progress on a weekly basis
  5. If required, address any issues which may be causing your device to fail a test
  6. Ensure you meet the SMDA scheme’s exit criteria, which can be found in the Entry and Exit Criteria document on the SMDA website. This includes having your CPA, ZigBee and DLMS certificates in place, where applicable
  7. Once the exit criteria is met, the SO will issue you with your certificate for the specific device being tested and will list the device on the DAR for all SMDA members to see

Testing fees are split into three portions:

  • 50% upfront when the device is submitted to the Lab
  • 25% upon issuance of your Partial Assurance certificate
  • 25% upon issuance of your Full Assurance certificate.

Exemption Process

Full or Partial Exemption from SMDA testing may be granted if a Manufacturer makes a variation, either firmware or hardware, to a device that has already been successfully tested or is undergoing testing. It can also apply when a Manufacturer submits a new product which comprises largely of parts from other successfully tested devices.

The Test House will assess which tests are directly affected by the change and identify a suite of regression tests and provide a quote based on these.

Manufacturers looking to submit upgraded devices are advised to review the Test Exemption Guidance and submit the SMDA Testing Exemption Application Form to to receive a quote from the Test House.

Release 2

We are currently updating our test scripts ahead of Release 2 devices being submitted. It was agreed at MP13 that a transition period will be required, where two testing baselines exist before Release 2 devices become mandatory. Manufacturers will then need to inform the Test House against which baseline they wish to gain assurance.

SMDA Membership

The Board agreed that Members with outstanding SMDA Annual Subscription Fees who have not engaged with the scheme recently will have their membership withdrawn. The Scheme will continue to follow up with those members who have outstanding fees but who have recently liaised with the scheme.

Forthcoming Meetings

  • The SMDA Board met on 2nd September. The next meeting is on 4th November.
  • The SMDA Management Panel (MP) 13 Teleconference took place on 4th September. MP14 is scheduled for 9th October, with the MP15 teleconference on 30th October.
  • SMDA will be presenting at the Spotlight on the SEC meeting on 12th September and the next EUA meeting on 24th September.

Please contact if you have any questions on the information in this update, otherwise we will issue the next update at the end of September.

Best Wishes

Louise Singleton, Head of SMDA Scheme