SMDA Monthly Update – November 2019

Pre-Payment Testing

The Test House is ready and waiting to test pre-payment functionality on your devices!

Last week we circulated a communication to confirm that pre-payment is available for testing within the Central and South region, having received feedback that the industry is ready for testing.

Pre-payment testing can be included as part of new device submissions, or as part of the Exemption Process for those devices who have achieved Partial Assurance or are already in testing.

The scope of Partial Assurance has been agreed at the Management Panel, based on availability of critical testing infrastructure, and tests that sit within the scheme or manufacturers’ control to resolve. The testing baseline (“SMDA Assurance Baseline”), as well as a list of tolerated tests (“SMDA-246”), can both be found as Scheme Documents on the SMDA website.

For additional information about testing or to receive a quote please contact

Exemptions Process

With pre-payment testing now available, the Exemption Process can be used for a device that has already been awarded Partial Assurance or is currently in testing to progress towards full assurance.

In addition, devices using SMETS2 v3.1/4.2 firmware can also be submitted to the scheme for testing against the current SMETS2 v2.0 baseline. The Exemption Process can then be used to extend a device’s assurance to cover dual band functionality once the scheme’s baseline is raised to align with this.

This benefits manufacturers, as not only are they able to get devices onto the DAR earlier, and therefore fulfil commitments to their Suppliers and MAPs, they will also be able to gain assurance for dual band functionality quicker than those who have not submitted their devices at all.

To start the Exemption Process, the Testing Exemption Application Form will need to be completed and submitted to the Test House for review. This can be downloaded from the SMDA website.

Submitting your Devices

A new device has been added onto the Device Assurance Register (DAR) in November! To register your device for testing, please contact the Test House via as soon as possible to request a quote and start the process.

Testing fees are split into three portions:

  • 50% upfront when the device is submitted to the Lab
  • 25% upon issuance of your Partial Assurance certificate
  • 25% upon issuance of your Full Assurance certificate.

Early Mover Model Funding

Manufacturers who submitted their devices for testing at the start of the scheme are included as part of the Early Mover Model (EMM). The devices were used to pave the way to assurance and are used as Interchangeability units.

EMM devices were allocated a certain amount of funding to cover the cost of their first round of testing and their first re-test. Once the two rounds of testing (one initial test and one retest) has been completed, any further retests will need to be funded by the manufacturer.

Full Assurance Plan

The SMDA Full Assurance Plan is available on the SMDA website here. The plan shows the steps towards achieving Full Assurance and the stages at which testing fees are required.

Currently, the Scheme is at Stage 3 – Pre-payment and Credit testing for CSP Central and South regions.

Once the industry has confirmed that CSP North is being used, the Scheme can move to Stage 4 – CSP Central and South and CSP North for Pre-payment and Credit functionality.

Test House Update

The Test House (NMi) have recently undergone some personnel changes within the Test Lab, with Priyesh Patel returning to the lab after completing his final year at university. As always, resourcing levels continue to align with testing demand and the Lab will continue to provide effective service to those devices submitted for testing. If you have any questions regarding testing, please contact

Forthcoming Meetings

  • The SMDA Management Panel 15 teleconference was held on 30th October
  • The SMDA Board was held on 4th November and a follow up meeting was held on the 7th November
  • The SMDA Management Panel 16 meeting was held on 3rd December
  • The SMDA Board will meet on 12th December

Please contact if you have any questions on the information provided in this update.

Best Wishes


Louise Singleton, Head of SMDA Scheme