Smart Meter Device Assurance Sub-Committee Elections 2024 – Membership Update
SECAS initiated an election for half of the Smart Meter Device Assurance Sub-Committee (SMDASC) seats. Following this election, we are pleased to announce the following appointments of members retaining their existing seats:
- Large Suppliers – Letitia Maidment, OVO
- Large Suppliers – Joey Manners, Octopus Energy
- Network Party – Paul Abreu, ENA
- Other SEC Parties ESME Manufacturer – Nick Winfield, Landis + Gyr
- Other SEC Parties GSME Manufacturer – Darren McNeil, MeteRSit
- Other SEC Parties MAP – Beth Tatton, Calisen Asset Management Limited
The new term will begin on 10 December 2024 for 24 months.
The following seats remain vacant:
- One Large Supplier
- Two Small Supplier
- One Other SEC Parties Display Manufacturer
If you want to learn more about these seats or the SMDASC, please contact
SMDA Sub-Committee Elections are now Open
The 2024 SMDA Sub-Committee (SMDASC) elections are now open, and the following seats are up for nomination:
- 3 Large Suppliers
- 2 Small Supplier
- 1 Network
- 4 Other SEC Parties (One ESME Manufacturer, One GSME Manufacturer, One Display Manufacturer and One MAP)
SEC Parties are invited to make a nomination for their Party category using the online form here by Tuesday 19 November 2024. You will need to be logged in to access the form.
Nominee Requirements
As set out in the SEC, the person to be nominated (the nominee) should be a person who (at the time of their nomination) is capable of becoming and remaining a SMDASC Member in accordance with Sections C6. You may wish to use the text box in the nomination form to detail any relevant experience, although this is not mandatory.
In the event that there are more nominations than there are available seats in a particular Party Category, a vote will occur. Each Voting Group within a Party Category up for election is entitled to cast one vote for their preferred nominee. Once the nomination window has closed, eligible candidates will be advised if a vote is going ahead, and voting forms will be distributed to the relevant Voting Groups. If required, voting will go live on Tuesday 26 November.
If you have any questions, please contact the SECAS Helpdesk.
SMDA Newsletter – August 2024
Dear All,
Exciting news as SMDA has hit 50 entries on the SMDA Device Assurance Register! Thank you to all Parties who have supported the Scheme and to the Manufacturers who continue to submit their devices for testing. We look forward to continuing to provide independent testing services and reaching the next milestone!
For more information on any of the items covered in this Newsletter please contact
Current activities
SMDA Testing Service Procurement
The SMDA Testing Service Procurement is live!
The Scheme has been informed by several parties of their intention to respond to the Tender. The deadline for submitting Tender responses is Wednesday 4 September 2024.
The Tender pack can be downloaded from the SMDA website and any queries should be addressed to
June 2024 SEC Release Baseline and Double Band Device Testing
The Scheme has published the June 2024 SEC Release Baseline and Test Library. One modification MP162 ‘SEC changes required to deliver MHHS’ was identified that requires changes to the SMDA test specifications and scripts. The modification introduces a new User Role (MDR) with role-specific service requests which the Scheme is now capable of testing to ensure the service requests work as expected.
In addition to the June 2024 SEC Release Baseline, two functional areas have been added to allow for Double Band Device Testing – 1) Duty Cycling, and 2) Home Area Network (HAN) Devices Switching Band. Test scripts have been introduced to conduct Duty Cycle testing on Sub-GHz Devices, as well as testing Sub-GHz operations on various forms of HAN rejoin (including lack of response and range manipulation).
SMDA Guidance Note on Device Interoperability
The SMDA Guidance Note: Interoperability and Interchangeability Obligations and Expectations has been published on the SMDA website here
The Guidance Note brings together all the regulatory obligations relating to the interoperability and interchangeability of smart metering Devices and provides a graphical summary of the obligations across the Energy Licences, the SEC, and its technical subsidiary documents, as well as a guide summarising key responsibilities and requirements.
The Guidance Note also sets out the Government policy position relating to interoperability and interchangeability, including from DESNZ and Ofgem, so that their views on what the regulations mean and how they apply are in one place.
Baseline and Test Script Changes Summary
Over the last year, SMDA has made changes to the testing Baselines and test scripts to align with industry requirements. This includes the November 2022 SEC Release SMDA Baseline for Full and Partial Assurance which includes 14 additional test scenarios proposed by Network Operator Parties to provide greater testing confidence in the industry.
These script changes include:
- Adding timestamps checks for GSME devices
- Ensuring data is not made available by In Home Display (IHD)/ Prepayment Meter Interface Device (PPMID) following a Change of Tenancy
- The addition of new tests to ensure voltage measurement periods are aligned with half-hourly intervals (supporting changes introduced as part of MP085A)
- Expanding scripts to read the past 30 days instead of 24 hours to read Active Import Profile Data, Read Reactive Import Profile Data and Read Active & Reactive Export Profile Data
- Adding test case to collate all Network Party checks following a change of firmware request, change of payment mode request, and a Change of Supplier request
- Adding a 40-minute-wait step to ensure Voltage Alert Parameters Change alerts is configured
- Adding Electricity Distributor as a sending Party
- Adding a test case for Read Inventory
The Scheme has reviewed the modifications included within the November 2023 and February 2024 SEC Releases and has determined that no changes are required to the SMDA Test specifications or scripts to align with these Releases.
The SMDA Baselines are available on the SMDA website here and Manufacturers can request access to SMDA Test Scripts by contacting This aims to assist Manufacturers during the testing process by improving the visibility of the testing requirements prior to submitting a device.
Communication Hub Uplift to accommodate GBCS v4.1
The SMDA Communication Hubs firmware used within testing have been updated to support GBCS 4.1 Release. The Scheme has completed testing on these Communication Hubs to determine their readiness and no issues were found.
Hydrogen and Hybrid Testing
The Scheme is pleased to advise that Hybrid Devices can be tested against the current SMDA testing specifications. SMDA can also offer testing support to Manufacturer developing Hydrogen Device.
DCC Communication Hubs SMDA Test Report
SMDA provides independent SMDA testing for DCC Communication Hubs. Upon completion of testing, the Test Report for each Firmware version is issued to the DCC and is now available on the SMDA website here, once logged in.
By publishing the Test Reports, the Schemes aims to increase visibility of Communication Hubs and associated Firmware versions going through SMDA testing and provide greater confidence to industry that DCC Communications Hubs are being tested independently.
4G Communication Hubs
The Scheme intends to test 4G Communication Hubs and has received test 4G Communication Hubs and created a test plan. However, testing is currently on hold due to the DCC User having no User Integration Testing environment UIT-B via UITA-Gateway in place until late September at the earliest.
November 2024 SEC Release
The Scheme are reviewing the modifications due to be November 2024 SEC Release. No changes to the Scheme are expected though the Scheme will continue to monitor the Release for new modifications.
If you wish to submit any feedback or questions, please contact This can include testing issues that manufacturers would like to raise for discussion.
Best Wishes
Conroy Saunders, Head of SMDA Scheme Operator
SMDA Test House Procurement
The SMDA Test House procurement has now been launched. The Tender pack can be downloaded from the SMDA website here.
Key dates for the tender are:
Intent to Tender Response | Tuesday 6 August 2024 |
Clarification Submission Deadline | 12pm Thursday 22 August 2024 |
Tender Submission Deadline | 4pm Wednesday 4 September 2024 |
Parties will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to access certain documents relating to this tender (details within the Invitation to Tender document).
To access this information or express interest in participating in this tender please contact